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- Medier, samfund og politik

© Copyright 2020 MediaRadar
MediaRadar is an educational website with journalistic content for 8th-10th-grade students in Danish schools. None of the visualmaterials used on this website are located behind the paywall. Pupils, teachers or institutions may not use or share visual content outside of this domain.
Despite all our efforts, we have not succeeded in identifying all the authors and rightholders of a small proportion of the visual material on MediaRadar.dk. If you believe that you may be a copyright holder, we invite you to contact us with any copyright claim.
Please write to: kontakt@mediaradar.dk
MediaRadar is a danish educational media-article library for 8th-10th grade students.
The large part of photos on this website are purchased from commercial media- and photo agencies. A few photos, however, are from other media sourcers. These photos are optained through the official Creative Commons Search Website, or from Wikimedia Database. All photos are filtered as being ’Free For Commercial Use’, and/or marked as ’Public Domain’ under licence; ’CC0; BY; BY-SA; BY-ND.’
None of these photos used on MediaRadar.dk are located behind a paywall.
Despite all our efforts, we have not been able to identify the authors and rightholders of a small part of the photos on MediaRadar.dk.
If you believe that you may be a copyright holder or otherweise uphold rights to any material, we invite you to contact us with any claim.
Please write to: kontakt@mediaradar.dk